Benefits of Girls only

Why choose an all-girls school?

We know that girls, for a variety of reasons, tend to learn differently. Obviously not because of any intellectual or cognitive reason but due to attributes and dispositions that are most marked during childhood and adolescence.

This means that girls’ learning needs and preferences are typically different from those of boys. Of course, we recognise that not all girls are the same, but our single-sex setting allows us to focus effectively on their specific needs.

At St George’s, this dedication to girls’ education is reflected in the physical design of the buildings, the entire curriculum and co-curriculum, as well as our learning approaches and whole-school culture.

By challenging gender stereotypes, we offer an outstanding education; designed for, and dedicated to, developing and empowering successful, confident and adventurous girls.

If you are eager to experience the advantages that our all-girls school can offer your daughter, contact us today to arrange a visit.

Read about the benefits of a girls' school education in the Girls' School Association publication below.

The benefits of all-girls’ schools

Girls' schools regularly punch above their weight in national exams and dominate the top of the exam results league tables. Girls' School Association schools account for a disproportionately large share of the top grades in sciences, mathematics and languages. 

There is no gender stereotyping. Girls' schools excel as much in subjects dominated by boys elsewhere such as in mathematics, physics and design technology as they do in English, drama, art and languages. Girls in girls' schools are also more likely 'to have a go' and pursue the sports and co-curricular activities on offer. Have a look at our Twitter or Facebook  channels to see some examples of this.

Beyond Early Years, with only girls in the classroom and on the sports field, girls have the freedom to be - and become - themselves and to explore fully all the education opportunities available to them.

Girls enjoy ALL opportunities, (none are closed to them!) whether these are the arts, sport, science, expeditions, careers or other co-curricular activities. There is no limit to ambitions. 

There has to be a Head of House, sports team leader and so on, and that someone always has to be a girl. The girls of today will be the leaders of tomorrow and girls' schools are wonderful environments to learn not just how to shoulder responsibility, but also how to take risks and inspire and lead others.

Girls' schools provide an education geared specifically to girls' needs and their particular developmental stages.

We give the right kind of support and create an environment in which girls feel comfortable taking risks and asking questions. As a result, girls become more resilient and sure of themselves.

Girls' schools have an excellent track record of helping their students gain places at the universities of their choice.  In recent years at St George’s over 90% of our leavers accepted places at their first choice of university and course. The most popular universities are St Andrews, Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Bristol; the most popular courses are history, business and science-related. Roughly half of our girls choose to stay in Scotland; the others are studying in England, Northern Ireland, France, USA, and Asia.

Careers preparation is underpinned by the resilience, confidence and freedom from stereotyping that an all-girls environment inspires. Girls' schools open their students' eyes to all possibilities and help them to take the practical steps necessary to achieve their ambitions. St George’s also provides support in the form of visiting speakers, partnerships with potential employers, expeditions and exchange visits, and joint activities for girls and boys from other schools, to name but a few opportunities.

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