Applying for a place and entrance assessments
Applying for a place at St George’s School
Edinburgh’s only all-through independent school for girls aged 3-18, St
George’s is a place of possibilities: where everyone is clearly heard;
pupils feel empowered to be themselves; and innovation is constantly
Below is a guide to applying for a place at all entry points. We look forward to welcoming you to our all-girls school
in Edinburgh.
To start an application complete the online registration form below:
Primary 1 - S6 (Sixth Form) online registration form.
Nursery online registration form.

Application process and entrance assessments
Girls and boys are assessed by the Head of the Nursery to ensure that they are ready for activities, play, and learning. Communication and social skills are also assessed. For more information please read our Nursery Admissions Play Session Assessment pdf
We take girls and boys from the start of the term of their third birthday.
When to apply
can apply for a place from birth. Places are offered by date of
application, although we do give some priority to siblings. Some places
are available for children joining us at P1, however, we do advise
joining us in Nursery for children to benefit from a smooth transition
from Nursery to P1.
How to apply for our private Nursery
Nursery online registration form.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of £40 per child to be paid when you submit your online application form.
Nursery Admissions Policy
Children can join us at any point through the session if places are available. For more information please read our admissions policy.
We expect our preschool nursery children to move on into Primary 1 and our transition activities are tailored to their needs, however, entry is not automatic.
We then make a small number of places available for P1 entry so early registration is recommended.
How to apply for our Junior School
To start an application complete the online registration form.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of £120 per child to be paid when you submit your online application form.
When to Apply
Children can join us in each year group from Primary 1 to 5 at any time of the year subject to spaces being available.
Primary 1
P1 applications can take place at a mutually convenient time. See below for information on P1 places for Edinburgh Independent Schools.
Primary 2 and 3
Children applying for P2 and P3 are invited to spend a full day with the class to which admission is sought. During the day the class teacher will informally assess the applicant. Assessments can take place at a mutually convenient time.
Primary 4 and 5
Children applying for P4 and P5 are invited to spend a morning in school. During the morning they will complete entrance tests comprising of literacy, numeracy and problem-solving ability. Assessments can take place at a mutually convenient time.
Places for all year groups are allocated based on performance in these entrance tests. Evidence from the most recent school report is also taken into consideration before an offer is made by the Head.
How girls apply for our Lower School
To start an application complete the online registration form.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of £120 per child to be paid when you submit your online application form.
When to Apply
Girls can join us into each year group of P6, P7, S1 at any time of the year subject to spaces being available.
Assessment Days
Girls entering P6 - S1 are invited to spend a full day in school. During the morning they complete entrance tests comprising of papers testing language, mathematical and reasoning (verbal and non-verbal) ability.
Following assessments girls join their peer group for the rest of the school day.
Places are allocated based on the assessment day and evidence from a recent school report.
Assessments for all year groups except S1 are at a mutually convenient time throughout the year.
Entrance assessments can be arranged at a girl’s current school for overseas applicants or those living some distance from Edinburgh.
S1 Assessment Morning and Taster Day are on the 14 and 17 January 2025. New enquiries after this date can sit assessments at a mutually convenient time. See below for more information on S1 assessment and offer dates for Edinburgh independent schools.
Places for all year groups are allocated based on performance on the assessment day. Evidence from the most recent school report is also taken into consideration before an offer is made by the Head.
How girls apply for our Upper School
To start an application complete the online registration form.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of £120 per child to be paid when you submit your online application form.
When to Apply
Girls can join us into each year group of S2-S4 at any time of the year subject to spaces being available.
Girls are invited to spend the morning in school where they complete entrance tests comprising of papers testing language, mathematical and reasoning (verbal and non-verbal) ability. Girls will be invited to an interview with a member of the senior leadership team.
Places for all year groups are allocated based on performance on the assessment morning. Evidence from the most recent school report is also taken into consideration before an offer is made by the Head.
How to apply for our Sixth Form
To start an application complete the online registration form.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of £120 per child to be paid when you submit your online application form.
When to apply
We are happy to receive applications into any year group at any time during the year subject to places being available.
Applications for girls to the Sixth Form (S5 and S6) are assessed on an individual basis. Girls are invited to spend the morning in school where they sit an entrance assessment testing their mathematical and reasoning (verbal and non-verbal) abilities. Girls will be invited to an interview with a member of the senior leadership team.
Entrance assessments can be arranged at a girl’s current school for overseas applicants or those living some distance from Edinburgh.
Places for all year groups are allocated based on performance on the assessment day. Evidence from the most recent school report is also taken into consideration before an offer is made by the Head.
Edinburgh independent schools have an agreed date for issuing offers for P1 and S1 entry and operate a common deadline for the acceptance of all applications. This means that you should not feel under pressure to accept or decline any offer before the deadline, even if your child has been made an offer from more than one school. The schools understand that you may want to take time to make a final decision about which is the right school for your child and respect your right to do so. This year the common deadline is 24 February 2025 for P1-P7 offers and 27 February 2025 for S1-S6 offers.
Entrance Exams for P1 and S1 Entry
Primary 1 assessment play morning date can take place at a mutually convenient time.
S1 Assessment Morning and Taster Day are on the 14 and 17 January 2025 for autumn 2025 entry. New enquiries after this date can sit assessments at a mutually convenient time.
Assessments for all other year groups are at a mutually convenient time throughout the year.
Offers of Places for Autumn Term entry 2025
P1 - Offer letters will be sent out on 3 February 2025
P2-7 - Offer letters will be sent out after the completion of entrance assessments
S1 - Offer letters will be sent out on 6 February 2025
S2-S6 - Offer letters will be sent out after the completion of entrance assessments