
Bursaries at St George’s Private School

Bursary funding to help pay school fees.

St George’s seeks to be accessible to students from a wide range of social, economic and cultural backgrounds.

A limited number of means-tested school bursaries are available for up to 100% of school fees. Parents are encouraged to contact Jennifer Millar, Finance & Administration Officer,  T: 0131 311 8009 E: feeassistance@stge.org.uk

You can apply for a bursary at St George’s by downloading our Bursary Application Form and filling it out with as much information and supporting documents as possible to support your application. Bursary applications for 2025-2026 are now open until the 10 January 2025.

Frequently asked questions about bursaries

A bursary is a monetary payment given to students based on financial need. A bursary is designed to help cover educational expenses such as tuition fees.

Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need. All applicants are required to complete an application form which provides details of their income and capital. Where there is no financial need, no bursary can be given. The level of awards varies significantly and can be as much as 100%.

Applications for bursaries need to be submitted by 10 January for the year of entry, though applications at other times of year will be considered if funds allow. 

The main point at which bursaries are awarded is at the entry to S1 (12 years) in Scottish secondary education, known as Lower 4 at St George’s. In such cases, the award will continue throughout the student’s education at St George’s.  The level of award will be reviewed from time to time and there is an annual re-assessment of family income.

Bursary Application Form

Make an Enquiry

Contact our Finance Team about applying for a bursary

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