Boarding Life

Life in St George’s Boarding House

Your daughter will always feel at home in our small, friendly boarding house within our private grounds in Edinburgh.

Boarders' involvement in running the boarding house

Empowering our girls is a core principle at Houldsworth House. Led by the elected student Head and Deputy Head of Boarding, they participate actively in the House's operations. From planning the week's menus to choosing soft furnishings, their valuable input shapes the daily life within our walls. They also contribute their skills and ideas to a weekly programme of all-age activities, outings and events, which perfectly complements the extensive co-curricular offerings of our school.

Boarders' Voice

Our boarders have a voice that matters. Regular meetings are held, allowing them to discuss and contribute to the running of the House through student-led committees, with the support of our caring houseparents. These committees, such as the Food Committee, Charity Committee, IT Committee, Eco Committee and Activities Committee, give our girls a platform to make a difference and know that their opinions and contributions are truly valued.

We believe in fostering connections and embracing the bond between day and boarding students. Boarders are encouraged to invite their day girlfriends for meals or even to stay overnight during weekends, just as they would in the comfort of their own homes.

Girls boarding boardinghouse life school
Girls boarding boardinghouse life school

A day in the life of St George's Boarding School: Monday to Friday




Time to get up! Wash, dress and make your bed.

7.20am – 8.00am

Breakfast in the dining room.

8.00am – 8.15am

Final tidy of your room and preparations for school.


Registration in your form room.

3.50pm - 5.00pm

Return to Houldsworth and sign in. Snack available in the dining room.

Free time

5.00pm - 5.30pm

5 o’clock club for P6 to Lower Five (Mon – Thurs).

Games and activities with the prep supervisor.


1st sitting for evening meal (P6 to Lower Five).


2nd sitting for evening meal (Upper Five and Sixth Form).


Prep. This is a quiet time, and everyone should be working.

P6 to L5 are supervised in the prep room.

U5 & Sixth Form work in their bedrooms.

This is a time for study and homework and is self-guided. Supervisors and House staff are available if you need guidance in organizing your work.


Supper in the dining room. Help yourself to fruit, cereal, toast, and a drink.

Students can also eat snacks they have brought from home.

Free time until you need to get ready for bed.

Optional activity each evening; House meeting for all every two weeks.

8.30pm onwards

Lower School students get ready for bed.

All phones and devices are handed in from P6 to Lower Five at bedtime.

9.30pm onwards

Upper School students get ready for bed.


Sixth Form students get ready for bed.

Public rooms are closed by 9.45pm and everyone should be in their own bedroom.

A Houseparent will always come to say goodnight

Boarding Life

Leonie from Germany talks about being a boarder at St George's

Leonie from Germany talks about being a boarder

"Personally, I have felt good from the moment I arrived in boarding, I haven’t felt homesick and settled in quickly. I like the food; I am a vegetarian and there are enough options for me.

Edinburgh is a good place if you want to go out to eat at the weekends."

Karla L6
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"Personally, I have felt good from the moment I arrived in boarding, I haven’t felt homesick and settled in quickly. I like the food; I am a vegetarian and there are enough options for me.

Edinburgh is a good place if you want to go out to eat at the weekends."

Karla L6

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