
Inspiring Lifelong Readers and Learners

St George’s boasts three distinct library spaces for Junior School, Lower School and Upper School.

Across the three libraries, the collection includes over 12,000 books, magazines and journals, over 500 ebooks and audiobooks plus subscriptions to 9 online research databases.

Visiting Authors and Themed Book Days

We join in celebrations for Black History Month, Pride, World Book Day, International Women’s Day and more. And we regularly host bestselling and award-winning authors for school visits and organise special events like school-wide celebrations of reading and book fairs.

If you’d like to see what we’re up to, follow us on Twitter for news and goings on from Junior, Lower and Upper School and on Instagram (new!) for student led content from the Upper School Library.

Library staff

We benefit from a team of three library staff, a qualified Head Librarian and Junior School Librarian and a Library Assistant. The team works to manage collections, deliver library lessons and support access to reading and learning materials.

“Here at St George’s, there’s a wonderful reading culture among students and staff alike. Author visits are always a highlight - including bestselling children’s authors Anna James and Elle McNicoll - and we love celebrating events like Book Week Scotland and World Book Day.”
Chloe Elder, Head Librarian

St George’s students and staff have access to our online library catalogue, featuring our range of digital resources and more detailed information about the print books and magazines. From here, users may manage their loans, reserve books and follow links to outside resources.

All nursery children enjoy weekly rhyme time and story time with the librarian, and older nursery children are given opportunities to borrow books throughout the year with Dewey the Dog.

Classes in Primary 1 through Primary 5 attend library lessons once a week. They’re led in a library activity or story time with the librarian before having an opportunity to browse and borrow books and enjoy quiet reading time individually or in small groups.

P1-P4 pupils may borrow 2 books for 1 week at a time. P5 pupils may borrow 3 books for 1 week at a time.

Primary 6 classes attend library lessons once a week, where they continue to learn about the library and different kinds of fiction. Remove and Lower 4 classes attend library lessons once every fortnight as part of their English timetable to develop their independent learning and reading.

Upper 4 classes attend library lessons once every fortnight as part of their English timetable, where they expand their research skills and reading horizons.
In Lower 5 and above, classes may visit the library with their class teachers as directed or use the space and resources in their own time.

The Sixth Form are welcome to use the Upper School Library throughout the school day for quiet study and research. Sixth Form also receive additional librarian-led research and reference seminars as a group and in subject classes. They may then request 1:1 support from the librarian to help with specific enquiries.

“The library isn't just a place to expand your bookshelf but rather a community. And there is always something new! Whether it be a new TikTok, book display or activity. It is place where you voice really is listened to and you can see your suggestions in real time."
Lexi, Lower 6
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