Support for Learning

Learning Support at St George’s All-Girls School

The Faculty of Support for Learning is responsible for the additional support needs of students from nursery to Upper Six (S6), with a focus on overcoming barriers to learning that are experienced. Learning support is ongoing for some students and temporary for others.

Our main goal is to ensure every student is properly supported to the level that they need. Our supported learning service works in the following way:

  • Support for Learning’s broad role allows support of individual progression through school with a joined-up thinking approach as academic and pastoral needs are inseparable. Our team’s structure ensures transitions are well-co-ordinated as pupils move through school.
  • All students are supported in an inclusive and as individual a manner as possible.
  • Support for Learning is flexible and can begin as early as Nursery or as late as Sixth Form. If you have not received learning support in the early stages of education but find that it is required at a later stage, we will be happy to accommodate you.

Learning Support and Teaching


  • Provision is made through small group teaching and cooperative teaching from P1 to Upper Five, with tutorial provision in Lower 6 and Upper 6.
  • Highly qualified and experienced staff who specialise in Support for Learning ensure that students are appropriately supported and achieve their potential.

Learning outcomes

All students, except Upper 5 and Sixth Form, who receive ongoing input from Support for Learning develop learning outcomes in an Additional Support Plan.

These are developed at the start of each session and reviewed with students and parents in February and at the end of the session or following major internal examinations in Upper School.

P1 and P2

In P1, pupils may participate in our Early Intervention programme, which aims to ensure all the students have a good foundation for literacy. By intervening early, it is hoped that the foundation will be achieved through consolidating class work. The length of time students participate will vary depending on their individual needs.

In P2 our Early Intervention programme also helps those children who need support with early numeracy skills as well as early literacy skills.

P3, P4 and P5

In P3, P4 and P5 students identified either by class teachers or outside agencies, as requiring support in meeting their long term targets, are taught either individually or in small groups . This means that students in Junior School with identified additional support needs have access to a specialist member of staff who works in conjunction with their class teacher to ensure that their individual needs are met.


P6 is a transition point for students as they move from Junior School to the Lower School campus. Liaison with P5 class teachers and the Junior School Support for Learning staff is very important to ensure that the correct provision is offered from the start of P6. In P6 an individual or small group programme with specialist support is offered to those students identified as having an additional support need during the liaison or admissions process. This support can be on a weekly basis throughout the year, or as a short block to support the student in a particular curriculum area.


In Remove, students no longer follow the primary curriculum but have individual subject teachers. Those students for whom it is felt relevant, through annual reviews during the summer term and liaison with admissions, have the opportunity to follow a small group Support for Learning without jeopardising their access to a broad and balanced curriculum, through undertaking two periods of Learning Support a week in place of Modern Studies and Latin. These lessons include all students in a class who are identified with requiring additional support. The decision to undertake Learning Support is only taken after a process of consultation with parents and the student’s P6 class teacher. In addition, co-operative teaching in English and mathematics is undertaken by Support for Learning staff in Remove.

Lower 4

In Lower 4, co-operative teaching in English and mathematics continues and Learning Support is available in place of a second language, which is introduced into the curriculum at this stage. Students for whom an additional language is felt inappropriate are offered the alternative provision of Learning Support and will only be taken up following consultation with parents, teaching staff and the student’s current Support for Learning teacher. Learning Support provision amounts to three periods a week, two periods with a specialist teacher and one period with a specialist maths teacher.

Upper 4 (S2, Yr 9)

In Upper Four students who take Learning Support in place of a second language other than English, will receive two periods a week with a member of learning support staff and one period per week of specialist mathematics support.

In addition, co-operative teaching is undertaken in English and mathematics lessons and individual support is available to students who may require some additional support. Individual lessons take place once a week on a rolling timetable, which requires the student to come out of another subject.

Lower 5 and Upper 5

At the end of Upper 4, students who would benefit from continued access to Learning Support can choose it as one of their options for study during Lower 5 and Upper 5. These students will have Learning Support for four periods per week, two with a Learning Support teacher and two with a Mathematics teacher. The aim of Learning Support over these two years is to provide the students with skills that can be transferred to all their subjects.

In addition, support is also available for students who have not opted for Learning Support. This is offered through co-operative teaching in English and individual support as required.

Lower 6 and Upper 6

By the time the students reach Sixth Form level, most no longer require input from Support for Learning, but some, due to their subject options, still benefit from occasional tutorial sessions with a member of Learning Support staff. Access to these sessions is determined following review of each student’s requirements by Support for Learning staff.

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