Family for life

St George’s School: A Family for Life

Being part of the St George's Community means you belong to our ‘Network For Life’, where you are supported by the Old Girls’ Association (OGA) and St George's Foundation Office.

Distinguished Alumnae 

alumnae lunch

St George's has been the cradle for generations of young women, fostering their intellectual and personal growth. Our alumnae, having imbibed the rich ethos and academic rigour of our school, have ventured forth into the global arena, leaving indelible marks of success in various spheres of life. The legacy of our school is not just inscribed in its venerable history but also illuminated by the achievements of these distinguished women. Find out about our distinguished alumnae. Their journeys bear testimony to the school's unwavering commitment to nurturing leaders and visionaries, who thrive not just in academics but in their endeavours to make the world a better place. We also celebrate the continuous flow of talent that marches out of our gates, ready to embrace the challenges of the future with grace, resilience, and an unyielding spirit of excellence.

Foundation Office

The school's Foundation Office supports the OGA in connecting the St George's Community through the Foundation Network, an online community. This is for all former pupils, parents (former and current), and staff (former and current).

A key feature of the community is NETWORK St G's which supports the Careers Department and offers networking links and a focal point for any current pupils, recent leavers, or alumnae who want to share or receive careers-based knowledge, guidance, and information.

Use the power of the network – join NETWORK St G’s to CONNECT, INTERACT and GIVE BACK.

Our Old Girls' Association (OGA)

All alumnae are eligible to join the Old Girls' Association (OGA) when they leave St George's.  The membership is a free lifetime membership.

What are the Benefits of Joining StGs Old Girls Association After Leaving School?

Leaving St George's marks the end of an important chapter in your life, but it doesn't have to mean saying goodbye to the friendships, memories, and the support system you've built over the years. Joining the Old Girls Association can provide numerous benefits that extend far beyond your school years, helping you maintain connections, pursue personal and professional growth, and give back to the community that shaped you. 

What is an Old Girls Association? 

St George's Old Girls Association is an organisation comprised of former students, or "old girls". The association is designed to foster a sense of community and continuity among alumnae, providing opportunities for networking, socialising, and supporting the school long after leaving.

The primary purpose of our Old Girls Association is to maintain a strong bond between the school and our former students. By bringing together alumnae from different generations, our association creates a platform for sharing experiences, offering support, and working together to promote the school's mission and values

Networking Opportunities 

One of the most significant benefits of joining our Old Girls Association is the opportunity to reconnect with former classmates. Whether you were best friends or simply shared a few classes together, these associations provide a chance to catch up, reminisce, and even form new friendships based on shared experiences

Expanding professional networks

In addition to personal connections, the Old Girls Association can be an invaluable resource for professional networking. Many alumnae have gone on to successful careers in various fields, and joining an association gives you access to this diverse pool of talent and expertise. Whether you're looking for job opportunities, seeking advice on a career change, or simply want to expand your professional circle, our Old Girls Association can help. 

Mentorship from successful alumnae

Another advantage of being part of our Old Girls Association is the potential for mentorship from successful alumnae. Our OGA has a mentoring programme that pairs younger alumnae with more experienced members who can offer guidance, support, and advice on navigating career challenges and pursuing professional goals. 

Continued Education and Growth 

Access to resources  

As a member of the Old Girls Association, you have access to various resources that can support your personal and professional development. These include careers department and libraries.

Giving Back to the Community 

Volunteering opportunities 

Old Girls Associations often organise volunteering opportunities that allow members to give back to their school and the wider community. Whether it's mentoring current students, helping with fundraising events, or participating in careers events, these activities provide a chance to make a positive impact and demonstrate the values and skills you gained during your time at the school. 

Fundraising for school initiatives 

The Old Girls Association plays a crucial role in fundraising for the school. By contributing to scholarships, building projects, or other initiatives, alumnae can help ensure that future generations of students have access to the same high-quality education and opportunities that they enjoyed. 

Staying Connected to Your Alma Mater 

Keeping up with school news and events 

Joining the OGA is an excellent way to stay informed about what's happening at school. Through newsletters, social media updates, and other communications, you can keep up with the latest news, events, and achievements of current students and faculty, as well as fellow alumnae. 

Maintaining a sense of pride and belonging 

Being part of the Old Girls Association allows you to maintain a strong sense of connection and belonging to your alma mater. By attending events, wearing school uniform, or displaying your membership proudly, you can show your ongoing support and loyalty St George's which has played such a significant role in shaping your life.

Social Events and Reunions 

Annual gatherings and reunions 

The Old Girls Association often host annual gatherings and reunions, providing opportunities for alumnae to come together, catch up, and celebrate their shared experiences. These events can range from informal get-togethers to more formal dinners, and they offer a chance to strengthen bonds and create new memories with fellow alumnae. 

Career Advancement 

Job opportunities through the association 

The Old Girls Association can be a powerful resource for career advancement, as many alumnae are eager to help their fellow members succeed. Being part of the Old Girls Association can also give you access to valuable recommendations and references from fellow alumnae. When applying for jobs or pursuing new opportunities, having the support and endorsement of successful alumnae can make a significant difference in your prospects. 

Personal Growth and Development 

Leadership opportunities within the association 

The Old Girls Association provides opportunities for members to take on leadership roles, such as serving on committees, organising events, or mentoring younger alumnae. These experiences can help you develop valuable skills in communication, project management, and teamwork, which can translate into success in your personal and professional life.

Scholarship opportunities 

The Old Girls Association helps raise funds for scholarships and bursaries that help deserving students attend the school. By contributing to these initiatives, alumnae can give back to St George's and ensure that future generations have access to the same opportunities and experiences that they enjoyed.

  • Access to the Foundation Network, our online community
  • The Dragon Magazine, published yearly  which offers a glimpse into the lives of our alumnae, and a place to share news past and present.  
  • The annual alumnae Summer Lunch, hosted on-site, with a delicious lunch, drinks, tour of the school, archives display, and an opportunity to catch up with former classmates and teachers
  • A 10-year reunion hosted on-site
  • A bi-annual London reunion
  • A Hong Kong reunion
  • A Dragon Mascot, a lucky talisman to take with you on your travels!
  • Access to other Foundation Office events at a discounted rate
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