About our Junior School

Inspiring Well-Rounded Growth

We believe well-rounded education is about nurturing every aspect of a child’s development—academic, social, and personal—within a supportive and inclusive environment. At our bespoke Junior School, we take pride in truly knowing each pupil. This deep understanding allows us to meet their individual needs with tailored learning strategies that balance support and challenge. Every child is encouraged to explore their interests, whether through academic pursuits, co-curricular activities, or creative outlets such as music and drama, ensuring they thrive in every area of school life.

Lisa Nettleton

"I love that all our girls get the chance to join committees, take part in sports, and shine in musical performances. These experiences help them discover what they’re passionate about and where their strengths lie. By trying out as many different things as possible, they leave the Junior School with a clear idea of what they love and where they want to go next. With access to our fantastic facilities, specialist teaching, and enriching activities like Junior Duke and Mathletics, they really do thrive in an environment that’s both inspiring and challenging. What I find most rewarding is seeing how we’re giving our pupils the tools and experiences to not just succeed but really thrive in the modern world."

Lisa NettletonHead of Junior School and Nursery. 

Why Junior School at St George's?

We pride ourselves on creating an environment where your child loves to learn. 

Our personalised approach achieved through smaller classes and expertise in teaching girls means each child can thrive academically and personally. 

We balance the necessary formal approach to learning needed for children to have a secure grounding in the key building blocks for literacy and numeracy with opportunities for active, purposeful learning woven into our school day. We assess and track pupil learning carefully through each term, especially in literacy and numeracy, so that we can be confident that the children are making the progress we expect at every stage.

Our curriculum is designed with an active approach to learning, prioritising STEM, digital skills, and leadership development. We embrace collaborative lesson planning and success criteria, shared and tailored to each student, which helps our pupils feel more connected to their learning journey. This student-led learning not only enhances their enjoyment of school but also builds confidence and independence.

As our children progress through primary their timetable enables a breadth of lessons covering not only core learning in literacy and numeracy but also subject specialists in Music, PE, Art, and Languages enriching our primary curriculum.

We provide a wide range of activities to ensure every child finds something they love.

From learning hockey, as introduced by our PE specialists in Primary 1, to joining the chess club or the strings orchestra in later years, every child has an opportunity to explore their interests. 

All children are included in sports activities, musical events, experiences, and trips throughout their time in Junior School. We feel strongly that if children have an opportunity to participate widely across a range of experiences when they are young, they will be able to make more informed choices to focus on areas of enjoyment or expertise as they move on to Lower and Upper school. 

Children in Primary 1 and 2 get a flavour of this with our co-curriculum club programme on a Tuesday, within school hours, and also after school on some selected days.

From Primary 3 upwards, the children have access to our full extra-curricular programme before, during and after school which gives additional opportunities to boost learning across a wide range of subjects.

These can range from playing in the Strings orchestra to joining chess club to learning a foreign language, to boosting their skill in hockey – as you can imagine the list is extensive!

As Primary 5 student Alba shares, "I remember loving the after-school clubs, and I still look forward to them every week!"

We ensure the transition from Nursery to Primary 1 is both supportive and exciting. Our early years teacher prepares children in the nursery for Primary 1 by blending active learning with increasing structure. Explore our transition journey in the flipbook below.

"When Lyra moved to Primary 1, I felt so reassured by the supportive staff and their practical advice. The strong connection between home and school made all the difference in ensuring Lyra was well-prepared and confident." Parent

We believe every girl can be a leader and we encourage this from the very start. 

From as early as Primary 1, girls participate in school committees, such as the pupil council and eco committee, which help them develop leadership qualities

Our Food Committee, for example, recently led a Try Something New project, encouraging everyone to expand their food tastes. Matilda, from Primary 5, says she enjoyed being part of such initiatives because it made her feel more involved in the school community and showed her that her voice matters.

Equally, our Junior School committees are a strong, valued part of the school experience for all children as they raise awareness, understanding and enthusiasm for current issues and themes at a local, national and global level.

In Junior School we have the following committees:

  • Pupil Council – leading Rights Respecting Schools
  • Eco Committee
  • Charities Committee
  • Food Committee
  • Junior Road Safety Committee (JRSO)
  • Junior Librarians

Children are voluntarily elected onto these committees by their peers. Meetings are held regularly and the committee members ensure that they represent the views of their whole class.

Click on the stories below to read examples of student leadership opportunities:

Dragon's Roar

We are proud to be on an exciting journey towards achieving Silver Rights Respecting Accreditation from UNICEF. This prestigious recognition celebrates our commitment to embedding children's rights into our school ethos and practices. It's a process that involves not only educating the children about their rights but also empowering them to advocate for and uphold these rights in their daily lives. Read the full story

We provide an extensive variety of outdoor spaces, including the P1 outdoor learning area and the enchanting Fantastical Forest, which serve as both exciting play zones and inspiring outdoor classrooms. These areas provide pupils with enriching outdoor learning experiences. 

Separate playgrounds cater to younger and older pupils, with the children themselves contributing to the design of their play areas. 

Pupils enjoy a wide range of engaging play equipment, as well as designated spaces for ball games and other activities that ensure fun and stimulating outdoor time.

Every girl feels empowered, supported, and ready to thrive in all aspects of school life. 

Our tailored approach to teaching, vibrant curriculum, and close-knit community is supported through one-on-one learning conversations and personalised guidance. Our Junior School Deputy Head regularly meets with each pupil to discuss her development helping her overcome any barriers to learning. 

A recent example of this is that one Primary 5 student set a personal goal to develop her leadership skills, which led to her starting a playtime club that has now expanded to involve many other students. This approach not only helps each child grow academically but also personally, developing confidence and independence.

The Junior School is located on a single 15-acre parkland campus ensuring that even our youngest pupils have convenient access to all amenities without needing to walk far.

The purpose-built Junior School building is bright and welcoming, featuring a multi-purpose school hall, dedicated art, design and technology, music, and science rooms. All facilities are support our digital learning strategy.

Junior School pupils also benefit from shared use of the school’s dining hall, music facilities, playing fields, and sports amenities. Healthy, hot, and delicious lunch options are served daily in the St George’s Centre, providing a variety of choices to suit every pupil.

An introduction to Junior School

St George’s Junior School | Inspiring Well-rounded Education for Young Learners - with captions

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Read examples of recent activities in the Junior School

“You get to know every child's individual personality."

Junior School Structure

With a Junior School of around 90 children, we enjoy the benefits of remaining a relatively small primary school with personalised class sizes. This provides the children with increased opportunities for individual achievement and participation both within and beyond the classroom.

Our primary year groups are split into two distinct primary stages: Lower Primary (Primary 1 and 2) and Middle Primary (Primary 3, 4 and 5). Class sizes range from around 14-20 pupils and each year consists of one to three classes.

After Primary 5, girls move from Junior School to Primary 6 in our Lower School. Here they spend three years before transferring to our Upper School 4 (S2).

Clipboard girls school playground