
Sarah Crossan Inspires St George's Students with Poetry and Wisdom

We were lucky to welcome Sarah Crossan to St George’s on the heels of her high-profile appearance at this year's Edinburgh Book Festival. On the morning of Thursday 22 August, Lower 4 and Upper School students gathered in the Upper School Hall to hear from the award-winning poet and author.
Mrs Chandler-Thompson introduced our visiting speaker, highlighting her illustrious career. She noted that despite having published many novels Sarah never sits down to write her next book with complete confidence, but each is a new challenge but worth it. A useful reminder for us all at the start of the new year and many new challenges!
During her lively presentation, Sarah challenged our perceptions of what poetry is and how we should approach it. We don’t need to treat poetry too seriously to enjoy it. A few brave students proved her point by performing a few verses form Moana and Hamilton – plus a couple of lines from Ice, Ice Baby from staff! Reading is about finding understanding in a story, and students were encouraged to read what they enjoy – whatever that is!
We had a look inside Sarah’s newest verse novel, Where the Heart Should Be, a heart wrenching romance set during the Great Famine of Ireland. And Sarah finished with some parting wisdom: don’t give your time away to phones and apps. Give your time to your passions: be they poetry, or sport or music.
After a book signing with thanks to The Edinburgh Bookshop, Sarah led a workshop for our Advanced Higher English students. Together, the group talked what they've been reading and played creative writing games that tested their precision of language. The class even got to try their hand at starting a novel of speculative fiction. Throughout, Sarah instilled confidence in each student and her writing.
It was a brilliant start to term, leaving us excited to read and write more! Thank you Sarah, for a wonderful morning at St George’s!