
Celebrating Excellent GCSE Results

*Updated Advanced Higher, Higher, A-Level and GCSE Exam Results 2023
Click link for results tables
This week we were delighted to celebrate with our incoming Lower Sixth students, as they received their well-deserved GCSE results. St George’s offers a unique curriculum that combines the best of British qualifications on offer, following on from GCSEs our Sixth Form curriculum is based on Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers. This curriculum is a large part of the school’s long-held success in supporting girls to achieve their first-choice university offers, with an impressive 99% of leavers achieving this in 2023.
The national context for GCSE results this year was that the proportion of top GCSE grades awarded to 16-year-olds has dropped following moves by the examination boards to restore standards to pre-Covid levels.
Nationally, 22.4 per cent of grades issued have been between 9 and 7, down from 27 per cent last year. At St George’s our proportion of the very top grades saw improvement this year (by 5% to 16% overall at grade 9), counter to the prevailing national trend and grade percentages overall compare favourably to national averages, for example, 47% of grades at 9-7, compared to a national average of 22.4%.
Two students achieved astonishing scorecards of straight grade 9s, which is a quite spectacular achievement. In curriculum areas under threat in the wider education sector, we saw some great results with every single German, Latin and Further Maths candidate achieving a grade 7 or above (A/A*).
We are proud of each and every one of our fantastic students and the way in which they have prepared for their examinations whilst engaging wholeheartedly in the wider life of the school and taking up the many co-curricular opportunities on offer. The confidence they have gained from participating in international exchanges, debating, music, sport, CCF and outdoor education, makes them exceptionally well-placed to apply their knowledge and skills with confidence as they move into Sixth Form and become the leaders of the school community.