
Creating Comics with Kev Sutherland

On the 2nd March, our school celebrated World Book Day. World Book Day is celebrated to promote authors, books and reading. We dressed up as our favourite book characters from our favourite books.
In the morning, during circle time, everyone talked about their character and why they chose them. Before lunch, we had a parade and everyone in the junior school gathered together to show our costumes! Mrs Nettleton joined in too. Some of our favourite characters were Hermione, Thing 1 and Thing 2, Mary Poppins, Captain America, Sarah from The Dogman, Lady Galadriel, and the tiger from The Tiger Who Came to Tea! We all had a brilliant time and we all enjoyed dressing up!
In the afternoon, the P4s had an author visit by Kev Sutherland who is Scottish and is famous for his comic strips in the Beano comic series. He taught us how to draw comic characters from films and books. He also sketched a caricature of each one of us which was really exciting. We all got to make our own comics with our own ideas and designs. We then put our heads together to make a class comic which was called ‘Why Boys are Silly!’ All the ideas in the comic were ours and we also got to add details to the comic pictures that Kev drew while we were busy with our own comics. We really enjoyed the session and we remember giggling a lot! Kev Sutherland was very unique and funny! We are not surprised because he is a comedian. Our favourite part was how we got to create our own comic strips with our own ideas, words and pictures!