
Lower 4 Trip to Loch Eil

This year the Lower 4 cohort travelled to Loch Eil Outward Bound Trust for their residential trip. Sitting underneath Ben Nevis and on the shores of Loch Eil, the wonderful location provided the perfect backdrop for the girls to undertake activities that challenged them physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. This was supported by the trip's objective which was to focus on meta-skills (leadership, listening, speaking, teamwork, aiming high, problem solving, staying positive and creativity).
Mr Fowles
Lower 4 Outdoor Education was incredibly fun and engaging this year! There were so many exciting activities. From hiking to rowing, from gorge walking to climbing, from camping to abseiling. Camp was an amazing experience many will not forget.
It also taught us important skills and made every single person step out of their comfort zone. Hiking built our resilience because we walked a long way to get to the campsite and back to the dorms. The groups developed our teamwork skills since we were mixed with some peers we did not know too well, which encouraged new friendships. Climbing built our trust in others because during the climbing, it was not only the climber doing the work, but it was also a whole team to help the climber and catch them if they fell. Camping built our courage to do things we may not normally do because for some of us, camping outside in a tent may not be our idea of fun!
Camp was a wonderful experience that taught everyone something and may have even helped some people find their new hobby.
I had a particularly fun time at camp, especially because of all the fun activities. On the first day we went for a jog and dip in Loch Eil as soon as we got there and back we had to go through some tunnels. At first when our instructor Aiden said we were going down there I thought he was joking but it turns out he was not. The jog and dip pushed a lot of people out of their comfort zone including me, but it was incredibly good fun in the end. We did a lot more activities like hiking, camping, rowing, gorge walking and Jacob's ladder. My favourite activity was on the way home, even though it took 1 hour and 45 minutes, we got to get the train over Glenfinnan Viaduct (the Harry Potter bridge), so it was worth it.