
Lower School Outdoor Education: Remove Trip to Lagganlia

In mid-September, the Removes went to Lagganlia. We had an amazing time out on adventures throughout the week. We were split into our houses and were given an instructor to keep us safe and make sure we were having fun. Our favourite activities were gorge-walking, kayaking, and rock climbing. Every day we were given a packed lunch and a snack to put in our bags. Lagganlia had different vans with cool names to take us to places. There was Spider Van, Ariana Vande, Gok Van, and Obi Van Kenobi.
Each of us was given a lodge to sleep and have breakfast in. There were 3 different lodges: Hillend, Caerketton, and Sgorans. We also had our own dorm to sleep in inside the lodge with our friends. Each dorm had at least 2 beds, a bathroom with a toilet and shower, and storage space.
Every evening, we had dinner in the dining hall and an evening activity. Each evening activity was hugely different; my favourites were the night line, the quiz all about Lagganlia, and the campfire. My favourite was the campfire because we got to make up little performances. On the last day, we had a fun adventure race. We went into our groups and did little activities like the zip line or making a pipe to get a ball in a target. At the end, we had an archery competition to finish. Unfortunately, my team lost, but it was still fun.
We loved Remove camp, and I am sure everyone else in Remove loved it too, so we thank all the teachers for coming with us, and all the staff who arranged it.
Erin & Audrey (Remove)