
Remove Camp to Lagganlia

Remove Camp
This was probably my favourite camp out of the three I have experienced so far. It began with an energetic coach ride which we all sang our lungs out on in the last few minutes. Followed by hysterical excitement when we found we’d been put with all our friends in the dorms!
The first morning we had an amazing breakfast (bacon rolls), and my group went canoeing out to an island where ospreys nested! Apparently, they stayed there April – August then hibernated to a warmer climate. We also went gorge walking, which wasn’t cold… it was Baltic! But extremely fun.
The dorms we had were all different and all named after places near Lagganlia. My dorm was called Inch named after Loch Inch which we canoed on. Since I was a new student it was a great opportunity to get to know the girls a lot better. I don’t think anyone had a perfect sleep and definitely not the teachers!
The most memorable moment for me was probably the big adventure race as our last activity before leaving. My favourite evening activity was mumbo jumbo which was a challenge to complete all the tasks on the sheet with your team and it went crazy! I think everyone can relate.
In the end, I really didn’t want to leave, I bet it was the complete opposite for the teachers. I think it was one of the best experiences ever and THANK YOU to all the teachers who made it happen.