
Science Fair BANNER

Rockets, Rainbows and Experiments at the P4-P5 Science Fair

24 Mar 2025
Science Fair BANNER

On 19 March, 2025, we attended a science fair for P4-P5 students. The event was organised by the Upper School girls. The fair featured a variety of engaging activities, and we were divided into five groups, each represented by a different colour: red, green, blue, yellow, and purple.

The activities included Rocket Shooting, Crime Scene Investigation, Magic Milk, Rainbows, and Telephones.

Rocket Shooting

In the Rocket Shooting activity, we had the opportunity to choose a rocket. Two friendly guides demonstrated how to launch the rockets, and we then attempted to hit a target. Although it was challenging, some students came very close to hitting the target, which was incredibly exciting!

Crime Scene Investigation

At the Crime Scene station, we became detectives tasked with solving the mystery of a stolen famous painting. To help solve the case, we were told that we would need to conduct experiments. The criminal had left a message saying, "Haha, I stole the painting!" However, the writing had been altered by water and had changed colour. We filled a test tube with a small amount of water and tested the ink colours of various suspects. By comparing the colours, we determined that the criminal was Leonardo de Pinci.

Magic Milk

In the Magic Milk experiment, we created beautiful patterns using milk, food colouring, and washing up liquid. First, we poured milk into a bowl and added drops of red and green food colouring. Then, we carefully placed a drop of washing-up liquid onto each colour. The reaction caused the colours to swirl and form a mesmerising pattern. It was a fun and fascinating activity!


During the Rainbows activity, we learned how to create our own rainbow. We started by carefully pouring different coloured dyes into test tubes: red first, followed by yellow, green, and blue. We had to tilt the test tubes slightly to avoid spilling the dye while ensuring the colours remained separate. When the process was complete, we had created a rainbow of colours in our test tubes!


In the Telephones activity, we explored how sound waves can be used for communication. We also played a science-based game where we had to whisper information through our telephones." We then learned how to make our own telephones using polystyrene cups and string. To create the telephone, we made small holes in the bottoms of two cups, threaded a piece of string through each hole, and tied the ends to secure the string. To use the telephone, one person holds a cup to their ear while the other speaks into the other cup. If the sound isn’t clear, simply adjust the distance between the cups until the sound works properly.

By Amelia (P5) and Eva (P5)

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