
Sixth Form Students Run Workshop at 'Bang Goes the Borders' Science Festival

On Saturday, 21 September, Mrs Scott, Dr Twyford, and Miss Nicholson accompanied 14 Sixth Form Science students to St Mary's School in Melrose for the "Bang Goes the Borders" Science Festival. Our students ran a workshop consisting of three activities for children aged 3 to 11: creating rainbow test tubes, balancing butterflies on the point of a pencil, and dissecting owl pellets.
St Mary's School remarked on the success of the event, stating: "We are delighted to report that 1,800 visitors attended Bang Goes the Borders this year, our largest attendance by far, and the feedback on the day, and subsequently, has been incredibly positive."
Our students were kept busy throughout the day and were exceptional ambassadors for St George's School, helping our school to have one of the busiest rooms at the festival.
We are immensely proud of all of our students. Well done to everyone involved!