
Update from our Boarders: 3-8 November

Here's a look at what the Boarders have been getting up to recently at Houldsworth:
3 Nov: Autumn Spiced Mug Cakes
As we welcome back the new term, the boarders gathered in the kitchen to make some cosy autumn spiced mug cakes. The smells of ginger, cinnamon, clove and nutmeg filled the room as the girls queued for the microwave waiting their turn. The end result was delicious!

4 Nov: Fireworks night & Sparklers
During the day, house parent Ms McRae, baked a delicious pumpkin spiced cake for the girls to enjoy in this cold weather. In the evening, the fireworks in Edinburgh began, and in Houldsworth we’ve been celebrating with yummy, toasted marshmallows and sparklers too!
5 Nov: Shopping Trip & Chihuahua Cafe
As the Christmas season is approaching us, it was only right that the boarders had a wander around the shops. Afterwards, we headed towards the Chihuaha Café for lots of snuggles on the sofa. We were very lucky that we were the only ones there as we all got to cuddle a dog each!
8 Nov: Fancy Dress Party
The spooky season may have been and gone, but not at Houldsworth House! Our creative Sixth formers organised a fancy dress party for us all, with lots of games, candy, and a catwalk to show off all the wonderful and thought-out costumes.