Our Lower School Curriculum
all-through academic curriculum maximises the opportunity for building
skills. This broad and balanced curriculum for our Lower School
incorporates language, mathematical, scientific, technological,
physical, social, religious and moral, and expressive education. It is
based upon a ‘Best of British’ model with the Curriculum for Excellence,
GCSE, and SQA qualifications as the basis of flexible individual
Pupils’ progress is monitored from an early age to ensure that potential is fulfilled, and any difficulties are identified as early as possible.
This progress is regularly assessed, both formally and informally, and parents are kept up-to-date about levels of effort and attainment through the reporting system and pattern of regular parent-teacher meetings.
Academic Scholarships
Academic Scholarships are available at S1, S2 and S5 entry. Head over to our scholarships section to find out about the exceptional opportunities and benefits of our scholarships and the application process.

P6 Curriculum
P7, S1 and S2 Curriculum