Period Products

Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 Statement on Exercise of Functions


The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 came into effect on 15th August 2022. Section 2 of the Act places a duty on education providers to make period products obtainable free of charge on their premises during term time, in every building normally used by pupils and students.

Section 4 of the Act states that providers must ensure that products are obtainable, reasonably easily, and in a way that respects the dignity of the persons obtaining them. The Act also states that a reasonable choice of different types of period products should be obtainable.

St George’s School, Edinburgh, has developed this statement in response to the duties set out in the Act, taking due regard of the specific guidance issued under Section 5 of the Act.

Arrangements for the Provision of Period Products at St George’s School, Edinburgh

The school will ensure that sufficient period products are obtainable for free to meet the needs of students during term time. There is no limit to the amount of products an individual student can take and individuals don’t need to provide a reason to access the products.

The school makes no judgement as to the needs of students for products and understands that individual needs for period products can vary considerably due to the reason for the need arising, including:

a) a period starting unexpectedly or forgetting to bring a product from home

b) ongoing need due to low income

c) ongoing need for another reason

d) higher than average need due to a medical condition

Products will be freely accessible to all students including students with physical disabilities or mobility issues and products will be restocked regularly to meet student demand. Products will be available throughout the school in all school buildings; including our boarding house – Houldsworth House.

Products will be obtainable in a way that respects the dignity of the people obtaining them. This means that students will not have to:

  • ask someone for products
  • justify why they need them
  • justify the amount needed

The school will ensure that a reasonable choice of different period products is available including at least one type of tampon, sanitary towel and reusable products.

Consultation, Planning and Review

In Lower School

Form tutors and the Primary 6 class teachers consulted with students. This was age and stage appropriate. The Primary 6 team also delivered information about menstruation in more detail in the ‘Human Body’ section of the curriculum.

Reduce the stigma and normalise menstruation, particularly for children and young people. This in turn will reduce embarrassment, which has been identified by children and young people as the leading barrier, suggestions include empowering them by creating peer-led groups.

In Upper School

The school undertook an anonymous online consultation using Forms, canvassing the thoughts of Upper 4 to Upper 6 students, focusing on what types of period products should be available and how and where these should be made obtainable to students.

Consultation with students will be ongoing and the arrangements for making products available to students will be reviewed on a regular basis.

Environmental Impact

The school recognises the considerable environmental impact of single use period products. In response, the school will raise awareness and availability of reusable period products available for free for those who wish to use those types of products.

Equality and Inclusion

The school recognises that not everyone who menstruates identifies as female. Therefore, the school will ensure that any individual who menstruates, including transgender men and non-binary individuals, can access products.

In addition, in some cases men may wish to access products for free for family members or partners. The school fully supports this.

Feedback and Further Information

The school welcomes feedback on this statement. To provide feedback or for further information on any aspect of this statement, please contact:

Peter Verrecchia (Deputy Head - Pastoral)


Full Report
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