Scholarship Programme

St George's Scholarship Programme

As a leader in girls' education in Scotland, we are committed to identifying and nurturing students with exceptional potential in academic and co-curricular disciplines.

Empowering Girls to Pursue Their Dreams

Our scholarship programme aims to:

  • Encourage girls to pursue their ambitions with confidence
  • Challenge students to excel beyond the taught curriculum
  • Inspire scholars to use their voice to advocate for themselves and others
  • Provide strong female role models

Scholarships available

girl speaking scholarships

We offer the following scholarships for new students at our S1 (12+), S2(13+), and S5(16+) entry points and for existing students entering S1 and S5. Click on the following links to learn more about each programme by viewing our scholarship literature.

What we look for

When awarding scholarships, we consider:

  • Potential
  • Commitment
  • Integrity
  • Love of learning

Benefits for Scholars

Scholars receive a range of additional opportunities; from trips, lectures and workshops, to privileged access to performances and competitive events. As a result, competition for scholarships is likely to be high.

Means-tested bursaries

We want to ensure that financial assistance assists the greatest number of families who require support. Parents can apply for means-tested assistance to the value of 100% of the fees alongside an award.  

Application forms for scholarships will be available at the end of the summer term for 2025/6 entry. Further information is available from our admissions team.

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