Our Stories 2024
We are incredibly proud of our leavers, who are a testament to all the hard work and dedication they have put in over their school careers. Read about their inspiring journeys and achievements, showcasing their diverse stories and successes through their time at St George's.
A St George’s story: Clara, Upper Sixth

“My earliest memory of St George’s is joining nursery two weeks before the summer break and being really welcomed by the teachers. So I already felt at home when starting Primary 1! During my time at school, there have been many highlights, including my role as a Secretary General of the Model United Nations club where we discuss international relations. Staying on for Sixth Form meant I could take Highers and then Advanced Highers – the idea of two one-year courses was far more appealing than A-Levels. To help me gain my place to read History at either St Andrews or Cambridge University, St George’s conducted practice interviews and my mentor prepared me for the HAA (Cambridge Admissions Assessment). I’ve particularly enjoyed learning about the Soviet Union in Advanced Higher History this year – part of studying history is about relating to current perceptions, and it’s fascinating to see how modern-day Russia understands its past.”
A St George’s story: Bivy, Upper Sixth

“Arriving from Hong Kong, it was a smooth transition to St George’s – I felt welcomed and supported, which further reassured me that this was the ideal environment for my academic and personal growth. I chose St George’s for Sixth Form because it’s an amazing girls-only school with a stellar reputation for excellent exam results and subjects offered. The cultural diversity was particularly appealing. Settling into Edinburgh life was an exciting yet challenging experience. Of course, there were moments of homesickness, but having friends from all around the world at St George's made a significant difference. The school's inclusive community, along with unwavering support from teachers, really helped me feel at home. So much so that I’m remaining in Edinburgh to study veterinary medicine! Since childhood, I’ve held deep compassion for animals and always wanted to become a vet. So our career teacher kindly organised three weeks’ work experience in vet clinics. Observing interactions between owners and vets helped me understand the sacred mission of vets in promoting better animal wellbeing.”
A St George’s story: Mhairead, Upper Sixth

“Growing up in a sports-orientated family led to my love for Formula One – which inspired my dream of becoming a race engineer. But it was the opportunities at school that truly made me believe I could become one. Instead of feeling intimidated about entering a male-dominated industry, St George’s has given me the confidence to push myself forward. So I’m now looking forward to studying motorsport engineering at Oxford Brookes University! And I’m equally proud that my role as an engineering prefect has helped establish the school’s first F1 in schools club – after hearing some younger girls express interest in motorsport. Next year, two St George’s teams will compete in designing a miniature F1 car at the regional finals. Away from motorsport, one of my main memories is Glee, our annual Christmas singing and dancing show... It perfectly summarises St George’s morals – the teamwork and house spirit among different year groups, the hard work put into everything, but, most importantly, the enthusiasm and determination to keep on going.”
A St George’s story: Sarah, Upper Sixth

“St George’s is a school that always fights your corner. And they’ve helped me tremendously with my dyslexia. Most of all, my teachers in learning support have enabled me to realise that I can achieve what I want and to stop doubting myself – quite a common trait among those with learning disorders. Among those achievements has been the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award. Our expedition – despite the many challenges faced – the biggest one being the weather – was a wonderful experience which I learned so much from and we made lifelong memories together. Other highlights include running both the Dungeons and Dragons club and the debating club, and setting up the buddy system which helps all girls feel a part of the community. After completing my undergraduate degree Comic and Concept Art at Leeds Arts University, I hope to work as a concept artist and visual developer for television and film – it’s a competitive field but I’m determined to fulfil my ambitions.”
A St George’s story: Isla, Upper Sixth

“I joined Lacrosse club in Lower 4 after first enjoying the sport in PE. As I began to practice and improve, the teachers at St George’s constantly encouraged my progress. All of my hard work really paid off as I have been selected to play for the Scotland U20 World Championships this August, and last year I was selected to represent Scotland at the U21 European Championships in Prague – the tournament was an amazing experience, especially being one of the youngest players! Outside of lacrosse, it was particularly rewarding to help organise St George’s Modern United Nations Club Conference which was an exciting day. The club has enabled me to become more confident and develop my interest in Politics and International Relations. Finally, the school’s Nepal trip was truly incredible – from visiting Nepali religious and historical sites to learning about conservation in the Chitwan National Park. Staying at TashiLing, a Tibetan refugee camp, we were treated with such warmth and kindness as they shared their Tibetan culture. Leaving was incredibly hard, with many tears shed…”
A St George’s story: Megan, Upper Sixth

“St George's is more than just a school to me. Because the unwavering support from dedicated teachers has instilled the resilience to never give up. And, beyond the classroom, it’s provided me with invaluable opportunities: for instance, our Nepal volunteering trip transformed my outlook on life, challenging my aversion to the outdoors and reluctance to step out of my comfort zone. Helping with an elephant charity there showed me the importance of respecting all life. Meanwhile, leading the Upper School debating team and my five years in CCF also provided a sense of direction. As well as a break from the demands of school, CCF was instrumental in helping me achieve the Gold Duke of Edinburgh award. Now I’m hoping to study history (particularly Scottish and American) at Glasgow – but when I began at St George’s, I doubted my ability to excel in a subject like history which required cohesive writing skills. So it just shows how much St George's has boosted my confidence.”
A St George’s story: Isla P, Upper Sixth

“In years to come, I think I’ll look back on sixth form most fondly – all the fun we’ve enjoyed together, balanced by our new responsibilities and freedoms. It gave me more independence and self-motivation to prepare for university life. After I hopefully get my Geography degree, I'm aiming to complete a Masters qualification in something specialised such as meteorology. Geography also potentially opens the doors to the energy industry – I’d love to work on new renewable energies in the future. Looking back, I’m so glad that I did additional activities such as playing the oboe – I was drawn to its unusual sound (even though some people compare it to a duck). Not to mention our unforgettable Nepal trip, staying in Tashi Ling, the Tibetan refugee camp. Since then, I’ve felt incredibly grateful for my very privileged life.”
A St George’s story: Marni, Upper Sixth

“I can honestly say that I’ve made friends for life here at St George’s while we’ve shared amazing learning experiences – such as our school visit to Cern to see the Large Hadron Collider, which sparked my interest in STEM subjects. From nuclear research to fundamental particles and antimatter behaviour, what struck me was how physicists, computer scientists and engineers globally collaborate to solve the most complex problems. AH RMPS (Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies) is another subject I’ve loved studying – particularly the cosmological arguments of Aquinas, Leibniz and Al Ghazali, combining the science of the Big Bang with philosophical and religious beliefs. Outside the classroom, I’ve been proud to represent Scotland in show-jumping – winning a team gold with three friends at the Summer Home Pony International series was my best performance so far. It doesn’t always go your way – horses have their own emotion so off-days are out of your control. But this has taught me resilience and teamwork which massively influences my academic life.”