Sixth Form Life

Sixth Form Life at St George's Private School

Sixth Form Tutor

One of the great benefits of having a dedicated Sixth Form tutor is that they really get to know you and can tailor their support specifically to your needs. They'll take the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses, your goals and aspirations, and your personal interests and passions. They help you identify areas for improvement, develop strategies for achieving your goals, and provide valuable feedback and encouragement along the way.

Student Voice: Leadership and Mentoring

We look to the Upper Sixth to be leaders across the school. Every member of the Upper Sixth has the opportunity to take on a leadership role, and every girl is expected to be a role model for younger students. Students have a genuine voice in running the school through their Houses, committees and the Student Council.

There is a student leadership team, as well as a large Prefect body, and these positions are elected by students and staff. House Captains have the status of senior prefects and carry out an important role in fostering a positive community spirit through House and charitable activities.

Upper 6 students are also Form Prefects to younger year groups in Junior and Lower Schools, and many students take on additional roles such as Secretary General in the Model United Nations Club, or a Sergeant in the CCF. Girls can also be sixth-form mentors, act as helpers in subject areas, and lead teams, clubs and productions.

Responsibilities vary from social, sporting, musical, dramatic and charitable events arranged by the House Captains, to other roles supported by committees which deal with matters such as the Upper 6 Leavers’ Yearbook, International Students, the Independent Women (a student-run school magazine), and many more.

Alice reflections

Alice Reflections

Leadership in Sixth Form

Anna talks about Leadership roles

Social life and Opportunities

Social events are often led by Sixth Formers, who make suggestions and help to run and organise several events each year, such as the Revue, the Upper 6 Ball, the Upper 5 Ball and singers for the Burns Supper.

St George’s has a close relationship with Merchiston Castle School for boys in Edinburgh. This relationship includes both schools joining together for concerts and numerous social events throughout the school year. There is a jointly run CCF and the annual theatre productions are also shared, with the girls taking part in Merchiston’s shows and the boys participating in St George's school productions.

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