Anthea's Story

“I have such a grateful feeling towards St George’s for the care, kindness and guidance given to my daughter Ashley over recent years. Being based in Shanghai and having to deal with China’s strict Covid policy meant that I couldn’t visit her in Edinburgh as much as I wanted to. But day by day, year by year, she became so attached to St George’s and her life here. Ashley has so many fond memories ranging from Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions to working at The Royal Highland Show, assisting the after-school library, and learning violin, percussion and piano. Now she intends to pursue her strong academic interests in Maths and Physics at university. When I saw her photo from the Christmas Ball, I couldn’t quite believe that the elegant young woman smiling happily in her long white dress was my little girl! The pandemic may have meant that we missed some important moments together but St George’s has undoubtedly helped make her the independent, resilient and pleasant 18-year-old she is today.”