Upper School Academic

Upper School Academic Curriculum

Our Upper School academic curriculum is a unique mix of GCSEs at 16 followed by Highers and Advanced Highers in the Sixth Form.

Girls follow a broad general secondary education until the end of their first year in Upper School in S2 (Year 9). Towards the end of S2 subject choices are made for the two years of S3 and S4. Girls study for 9 GCSE qualifications which are examined at the end of the S4 year.

The two-year GCSE programme in S3 and S4 (Y10 and Y11) provides academic depth and rigour. Girls develop a strong work ethic and GCSEs are an excellent preparation for Scottish Highers.

Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholarships are available at S1, S2 and S5 entry. Head over to our scholarships section to find out about the exceptional opportunities and benefits of our scholarships and the application process.

Studying GCSEs at St George’s

Studying GCSEs at St George's

Sonia Edwards, Deputy Head Academic, talks about GCSEs at St George's

Curriculum & Subject Guide S2

Remove, L4 and U4 Curriculum subject guide

Curriculum & Subject Guide S3 and S4

Fifth Form Curriculum and subject guide

St George’s academic enrichment programme for Upper School and Sixth Form provides is a vibrant range of activities that offers challenges to students’ thinking and expands their view of the world around them.

Students in Upper 4 can apply for a reciprocal exchange to our partner schools in Toronto, Canada and Philadelphia and Fort Worth in America. The duration of the programme ranges from 2- 4 weeks.

Students in Upper 5 and Lower 6 can apply for a reciprocal exchange to our partner schools in Australia, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa. The duration of the exchange is 4 – 6 weeks.

There are opportunities for expeditions with Global Action to Nepal and Costa Rica which run every 2 years.

Global Perspective course

Global Perspective course delivered in the Upper 4 Curriculum

  • develops learners’ ability to consider significant global issues from different perspectives
  • encourages learners to work collaboratively and individually and to apply their knowledge in different contexts
  • develops transferable skills to complement learning in other curricular areas and prepare learners to be active global citizens in a life beyond school
  • Encourage critical thinking.

This develops as students progress into the Upper Secondary School, where the increasing demands of the curriculum necessitate more independent learning and increased autonomy from students. Students use their individual devices to support their learning in lessons, helping them coordinate and structure their notes, making homework and revision easier and more meaningful. Digital inking, coupled with a full keyboard and full desktop app functionality affords students the best learning experience, with the greatest flexibility in how they use their device to enhance their education. Class Teams are used as a learning hub for students, where their teachers can share files, links and notes, as well as issue Assignments for classwork, coursework, and homework.

Innovative, creative and interdisciplinary STEM opportunities at St George’s equip our girl students with skills that will allow them to be competitive in a rapidly changing world. 

Upper 4 (S2, Yr 9)

In Upper Four students who take Learning Support in place of a second language other than English, will receive two periods a week with a member of learning support staff and one period per week of specialist mathematics support.

In addition, co-operative teaching is undertaken in English and mathematics lessons and individual support is available to students who may require some additional support. Individual lessons take place once a week on a rolling timetable, which requires the student to come out of another subject.

Lower 5 and Upper 5

At the end of Upper 4, students who would benefit from continued access to Learning Support can choose it as one of their options for study during Lower 5 and Upper 5. These students will have Learning Support for four periods per week, two with a Learning Support teacher and two with a Mathematics teacher. The aim of Learning Support over these two years is to provide the students with skills that can be transferred to all their subjects.

In addition, support is also available for students who have not opted for Learning Support. This is offered through co-operative teaching in English and individual support as required.

Upper 4 classes attend library lessons once every fortnight as part of their English timetable, where they expand their research skills and reading horizons. In Lower 5 and above, classes may visit the library with their class teachers as directed or use the space and resources in their own time.

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