International Education
Preparing Girls for a Global Future through International Education
We want our students to take their place in the world as effective and responsible global citizens. Our international curriculum takes a variety of forms to broaden students’ cultural awareness, develop their linguistic proficiency and promote greater self-awareness and independence.
British Council’s International School Award (2021-2024)
St George's has been awarded by the British Council the prestigious International School Award for the fourth time running. The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding and innovative work in international education through links with partner schools overseas.

International Education is split into three sections within St George’s:
- Digital exchanges are offered throughout Junior School, Lower School and Upper School. These enhance the learning within curriculum areas.
- A unique Global Perspectives course in Upper 4.
- International student exchange programmes for Upper 4, Sixth Form and staff.
Student Exchange Schools for Upper 4
Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia
Trinity Valley School, Fort Worth
Student Exchange Schools for Sixth Form
Presbyterian ladies College, Sydney
Goulburn Valley Grammar School, Victoria
Ruyton Girls School, Melbourne
South Africa
New Zealand
St Andrew's College, Christchurch

Student International Exchange to Canada
Emily reflects on her school exchange in Toronto