Our People
Revd Margaret Cave 500 x650
Revd Margaret Cave 500 x650

Revd Margaret Cave, Minister CofE, Alumnae St George's School, Edinburgh

Church of England Minister

Revd Margaret Cave, Minister CofE, Alumnae St George's School, Edinburgh

Church of England Minister

With a background studying maths, physics, and chemistry at St George's (class of 1980), The Revd Margaret Cave was actively involved in sports, music, and prefecting. She credits the school's high standards and values as hugely influential in shaping her path.

After earning an engineering degree from Durham University, Margaret embarked on a varied career journey that included investment banking, teaching, charitable work, and raising four sons before ultimately answering a calling to the Church of England ministry. Ordained in 2010, she has served as a curate, team rector, and area dean.

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