Our People
Brette Stories Portrait 2 500 x650
Brette Stories Portrait 2 500 x650


Clemson University BA (Honours) Early Childhood Education 2018
University of Strathclyde MS Information and Library Studies with Distinction 2022

Brette Phebus, Librarian, St George's School


Brette Phebus, Librarian, St George's School


I've loved to read from the second I learned how to do it. While most kids had awards for swimming, football, and a variety of other sports, my awards were all for the sheer number of books that I tore through. As an adult, I studied Early Childhood Education at Clemson University and then taught Kindergarten (ages 5-6) for three years in the US. I've had the pleasure of teaching in all kinds of schools, from year-round to International Baccalaureate to dual language! My absolute favourite part of teaching was watching kids learn to read and discover the joy that can be found in stories. 

I decided to follow that love and pursue my Master's degree in Information and Library Sciences at Strathclyde University, where I happened to be placed at St George's for my work experience. I fell in love with the culture of the school, where girls have the freedom to be themselves and find confidence while being fully supported by teachers and staff members along the way. I just couldn't leave and I've been passing on my love of reading in the Junior School ever since.

Click on the video clip to hear Brette talk about what she enjoys about teaching at St George's School, Edinburgh.


Clemson University BA (Honours) Early Childhood Education 2018
University of Strathclyde MS Information and Library Studies with Distinction 2022
Brette Phebus, Librarian, St George's School Edinburgh