Our People
5815 St Georges 057 2
5815 St Georges 057 2


University of St Andrews MA (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics 1987
Northern College of Education, Aberdeen PGCE (Secondary Mathematics)

Jill Bryce, Senior Deputy, Pastoral and Boarding, St George's School

Senior Deputy and Head of Boarding

Jill Bryce, Senior Deputy, Pastoral and Boarding, St George's School

Senior Deputy and Head of Boarding

Jill joined St George’s School in August 1988 as Teacher of Mathematics and has had a number of roles within the school including Assistant Head of Lower School, Head of Community Partnerships, Head of Mathematics and Head of Sixth Form. She joined the Senior Leadership Team in 2014.

Jill is an experienced teacher of both Mathematics and Statistics to students from Remove (P7) to U6 (S6). She has been involved in preparing students for University and College applications both in the UK and overseas since 2000.


University of St Andrews MA (Hons) Mathematics and Statistics 1987
Northern College of Education, Aberdeen PGCE (Secondary Mathematics)
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